It is sometimes difficult to find the time to have an in depth conversation about what we do at PSII and what is all based on. There is, of course, a set of core convictions that form the foundation of how PSII operates and how it hopes to provide a model for transformation in mainstream education systems as well. In order to offer some in-depth content that help with people’s understanding of PSII, we have included here links to talks, podcasts, videos, and animations that have been created over the past few years and that get at aspects of those core convictions.

School of Thought Victoria Podcast

The School of Thought Victoria podcast explores the convictions upon which Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry is based. The goal is simple: to offer thinking and support that will eventually change the paradigm in education. Hosted by Alex Van Tol and Jeff Hopkins.

TedX Talks

PSII Inquiry Explainer (animated short video)