
l’Office National du Film du Canada – Streaming videos on issues of global importance from a Canadian perspective including documentaries, animations, experimental films, fiction and interactive works.
l’Encylopedie Candienne – Online Canadian reference articles on history, politics, arts, science & more. Includes timelines and browse-able topics.

Books and Short Stories

Harry Potter à L’école des Sorciers (J.K. Rowling) NOVEL – Available for free download from Amazon Kindle store. Can be used on Kindle or other devices with Kindle app.
Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle) NOVEL – Available for free download from Amazon Kindle store. Can be used on Kindle or other devices with Kindle app.
La Metamorphose (Franz Kafka) SHORT STORY – Available to read online. Side-by-side French and English. Good for beginners.
Le Horla (Guy de Maupassant) SHORT STORY – Available to read online.